by Drs. Daryl L. Platt and Clifton L. Holland
(last revised on June 9, 2003)
Historical Overview of Haiti:
Became Spanish Colony: 1492
Became French Colony: 1657
Under Control of French West Indies Company: 1664
Ceded by Spain to France in the Treaty of Ryswick: 1697
Slave Revolt against French colonial structure: 1791
Independence from France declared: 1795
Independent Republic established under President
Toussaint Louverture: 1804
Concordat with Rome established: 1860
American military occupation: 1915-1934
Duvalier dictatorship: 1957-1989
Number of North American agencies in 1989: 121
Number of North American agencies in 1996: 79
Indicates European society*
Significant Protestant Beginnings or Events:
1807 - *British
Methodist pastors arrived to serve the English-speaking black population
(English Wesleyan Mission, now the Methodist Church of Great Britain); the
Methodist Church of Haiti is now part of the Conference of the Methodist Church
in the Caribbean and the Americas.
1816 - *Wesleyan Methodist Mission Society responded
to Haitian presidential request sending two pastors
1816 - *Quaker evangelistic campaigns conducted by
Etienne de Grellet and John Hancock.
1820 - American immigrants (some Protestants) responded
to President Boyer's
request for colonizers.
1823 - Baptist missionaries began work, later
withdrew (Massachusetts Baptist Missionary Society)
1861 - Protestant Episcopal Church begun under Rev.
James T. Holly with 110 Afro-American immigrants from the USA.
1874 - Apostolic Orthodox Anglican Church of Haiti (under
Bishop James T. Holly) becomes autonomous province of the Protestant Episcopal
Church; it reunited with the Protestant Episcopal Church in 1917.
1905 - Seventh-day Adventist General Conference
(incorporate an independent work that began in 1879)
1920 - Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission
Convention of the Negro Baptist Churches in the USA.
1923 - American Baptist Home Mission Society
(American Baptist Churches in the USA), associated with the Baptist Convention
of Haiti (formed in 1960); since 1939 the American Baptists have cooperated
with the Haitian Baptist churches founded by the English and Jamaican Baptist
1927 - Society of St. Margaret (Episcopal service
1931 - Church of God of Prophecy Mission
1934 - Church of God World Missions (Cleveland, TN)
1936 - World Team (formerly, West Indies Mission),
affiliated with the Evangelical Baptist Mission of South Haiti
1943 - Evangelical Bible Mission, Inc.
1943 - Unevangelized Fields Mission (UFM
International) – Evangelical Baptist Mission of Haiti (incorporates the earlier
Baptist work by Mr. Pierce in Port-de-Paix and the World Gospel Crusade in
1946 - Child Evangelism Fellowship
1949 - Wesleyan Methodist Church World Missions (incorporated
the work of the Hepzibah Faith Mission that began in the early 1940s)
1949 - Baptist Mid-Missions (1934)
1950 - Church of the Nazarene, World Missions
Division (incorporated an earlier work that began in 1946)
1952 - The Missionary Church, World Partners
(incorporated the early independent work in Pignon led by Eli Marc and a group
of churches that split from the UFM in 1949)
1954 - Janz Teach Ministries, Canada
1957 - Assemblies of God, General Council
(incorporated the work of independent Pentecostals in the hills around
Miragoane that was founded in the 1940s)
1958 - Mennonite Central Committee
1958 - OMS International, Inc. (incorporated the
work of the independent East West Indies Bible Mission that began in 1946),
affiliated with the Evangelical Church of Haiti.
1959 - Greater Europe Mission, Canada
1960 - Baptist Convention of Haiti formed by the
American Baptists and other affiliated groups; however, a group of Baptist
churches in the Jacmel area did not become part of the Convention; these
independent Baptist churches were later organized as the Jacmel Baptist
1960 - World-Wide Missions, affiliated with
Eben-Ezer Church of God
1962 - World Gospel Mission
1963 - CSI Ministries
1964 - Missionary Flights International
1966 - Have Christ Will Travel Ministries
1966 - International Child Care
1966 - United Pentecostal Church International
1967 - Churches of God, General Conference
1967 - Macedonian World Baptist Missions
1968 - Friends for Missions, Inc.
1969 - For Haiti with Love, Inc.
1969 - Allegheny
Wesleyan Methodist Missions
1970 - Ministries
in Action
1970 - Global
Outreach Mission, Canada
1972 - Haiti
Gospel Mission
1974 - Presbyterian
Church, USA
1975 - Mission
to the World, Presbyterian Church in America
1976 - International
Pentecostal Holiness Church
1978 - Baptist
International Missions
1978 - Southern
Baptist Convention (International Mission Board)
1979 - Gospel
Outreach, Ltd.
1979 - Mission
1981 - International
Church of the Foursquare Gospel
1981 - Habitat
for Humanity International
1981 - Medical
Ambassadors International
1981 - Missionary
Aviation Fellowship
1982 - Baptist
Bible Fellowship International
1982 - Harvest
1982 - International
Partnership Ministries
1983 - Childcare
1983 - Hope
for the Hungry
1983 - New
Missions to Haiti
1985 - Christian
Reformed World Missions
1985 - Rehoboth
Ministries, Inc.
1985 - STEM
1986 - Elim
Fellowship World Missions
1986 - FOCAS
1987 - World
1988 - Global
Strategy Mission Association
1988 - Reciprocal
Ministries International
1989 - Global
Missionary Evangelism
1989 - International
Teams of Canada
1991 - Christian
Aid Ministries
1992 - Mission
to the Americas
1993 - Barnabas
Ministries, Inc.
1993 - ECHO
1993 - Evangelical
Free Church Mission
1994 - TEAM
of Canada
1995 - Mission
Society for United Methodists
1996 - FEBInternational
(Far East Broadcasting)
of Origin Unknown:
African Methodist Episcopal Church
International (Advancing the Ministry of the Gospel)
Overcoming Holy Church of God
World Outreach
of Christian Churches
of International Gospel Assemblies
Evangelistic Mission Association
Baptist World Mission
Bethany Baptist
Missionary Society
Bible Holiness Movement
(Vancouver, Canada)
Christian Church and
Churches of Christ
Christian &
Missionary Alliance
Church of God,
Evangelical Holiness Union
Church of God Holiness
Church of God in Christ
Church of God in North
Church of Jesus Christ
of the Apostolic Faith
Church of the Brethren
Compassion International
Conservative Baptist
Home Missionary Society – Conservative Baptist Haiti Mission
Eastern Mennonite Board
of Missions
Eden Church of God
Evangelical Church of
Evangelical Methodist
Church, World Mission
Faith Holiness Mission
Food for the Hungry
Free Methodist Church
Gedeon’s Band
Evangelical Church
Haiti Gospel Mission
Haiti Independent
Baptist Mission
Haiti Inland Mission
Heifer Project
Larry Jones Ministry
London Baptist
Missionary Society/Jamaican Baptist Missionary Society (Jacmel Baptist
Maranatha Baptist
Missionary Revival
National Baptist
Convention of America
Open Bible Standard
Operation Mobilization
of Canada
Pentecostal Assemblies
of the World
Pentecostal Church of
God, MI (founded prior to 1970 by missionaries from Puerto Rico)
Pentecostal Holiness
Church of God
Progressive National
Baptist Convention, USA
Sinai Church of God
Son-Light Mission
Tabernacle Church
TEAR Fund England
The Salvation Army of
Teen Missions
United Evangelical
Churches (Monrovia, CA)
United Methodist Church
World Mission to the
Whole Man, Inc. (Miami, FL)
World Relief Commission
World-Wide New Testament
Baptist Mission
World Vision
Youth With A Mission
Dates listed indicate the earliest recorded ministry or in case of
discrepancies, the date most frequently indicated.
(2) North American Agencies include U.S. and Canadian.
(3) Religious tolerance has existed throughout Haiti’s
independent history.
(1) Daryl L. Platt, "Who Represents the Evangelical Churches in
Latin America? A Study of the Evangelical Fellowship Organizations."
Pasadena, CA: an unpublished Doctor of Missiology Dissertation, School of World
Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary, June 1991. Used by permission of the
(2) PROLADES (Latin American Socio-religious Studies Program),
international headquarters in San José, Costa Rica: www.prolades.com, prolades@racsa.co.cr
(3) Dayton Roberts and John Siewert, editors: Mission Handbook of U.S. and Canadian
Christian Ministries Overseas (MARC 1989).
(4) John A. Siewert and Edna G. Valdez, editors: Mission
Handbook of U.S. and Canadian Christian Ministries Overseas (MARC
(5) Jean-Jacques Bauswein and Lukas
Vischer, The Reformed Family Worldwide (Wm. B. Eerdmans
Publishing Company, 1999).
Clifton L. Holland, editor, World Christianity: Central America and the Caribbean (MARC-World Vision
International, 1981)
(7) Justo L. González, The Development of
Christianity in the Latin Caribbean (Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company, 1969).
(8) Harmon A. Johnson, The Growing Church in Haiti
(West Indies Mission, 1970).