A Classification System of Religious Groups in the Americas (.pdf)
by Clifton L. Holland

Encyclopedia of American Religions
by J. Gordon Melton

A History of Religion in the USA to 1850

History of Religion in America

Religion in the USA - An Overview

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life:
U.S. Religious Landscape Survey, 2007

Hispanic Protestant Church Growth in the USA

Hispanic Churches in American Public Life:
Summary of Findings (692KB)
  Spanish Version (692KB)
by Gaston Espinosa, Virgilio Elizondo & Jesse Miranda
January, 2003


(NOTE:  dozens of links to news articles that appeared on
this website prior to March 2007 were destroyed when
hackers attacked our Internet server; we apologize for this inconvenience.)

See Religion in the News

See recent 2008 articles on
The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
from theThe Washington Post website

See The Boston Globe website for articles (beginning in 2002) on
Sexual Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church

Born Again: America’s evangelicals are
growing more moderate—and more powerful

by Walter Russell Mead in
The Atlantic magazine, March 2008

Pope, in U.S., is Ashamed of Pedofile Priests
from the Los Angeles Times - 16 April 2008

A Pastor Begs to Differ With Flock on Miracles
(the Santuario de Chimayo, a small adobe church in
this village of northern New Mexico, is known as
the Lourdes of America for many Hispanic Roman Catholics)
by Eric Eckholm - 20 February 2008

Praying to the Healers:
Folk Saints, From Catholicism to Pedrito and Fidencio

by Mary Lee Grant - 20 February 1999

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