of IDEA Ministries and
Director of the Latin America Socio-Religious Studies Program
San Pedro, Montes de Oca, Costa Rica
- Birthdate
& Place: July 9, 1939 in
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
- Citizenship:
- Childhood:
Raised in Southern California (1941-1956)
- Military
Service: U.S. Air
Force (December 1956-October 1960), Honorable Discharge
- Marital
Status: Married to Linda
J. Ives (July 26, 1958)
- Children:
Richard L. (born 1961 in Lynwood, CA) and Suzan L. (born 1962 in Chicago, IL)
- Current Residence: San Jose, Costa Rica (since 1972)
- Diploma, Compton
High School, Compton, California
- Diploma,
Electronics School, Scott Air Force
Base, Belleville, Illinois; Ground-to-Air Communications Specialist & Electronics
Technician (six-month program)
- Course
Work: University of Wisconsin Extension Program; 8 credit hours
taken during 1957-1960 while serving in the U.S. Air Force.
- Diploma,
Pre-Aviation/Christian Education Major, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago,
IL (1961-1964)
- Course
Work: Fullerton Junior College, General Education requirements, Fullerton, CA;
12 credit hours taken during 1965-1966.
- B.A.,
General Bible Major, BIOLA College (now BIOLA University), La Mirada, CA (1965-1967)
- M.A.,
School of World Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, CA: Missiology Major with concentrations in Latin American Studies &
Cultural Anthropology, 1968-1971
- Graduate
Studies at the Latin American Biblical Seminary, San Jose, Costa
Rica: Dept. of Christian Ministry, Licentiate program, 1975-1977
- Doctoral
Studies, School of World Mission, Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena,
CA: Missiology Major with concentration in Church Growth
Studies & Church History, resident studies 1980-1981; Doctoral Candidate 1981-1991
(discontinued program in 1991)
1954 to the present
- First Baptist Church, Compton,
CA (American Baptist Churches in the USA)
- First Baptist Church, Ferndale,
WA (independent)
- Galilee Baptist Church, Chicago,
IL (Conservative Baptist Association)
- Bethel Baptist Church, Anaheim,
CA (North American Baptist Association)
- Sunkist Baptist Church, Anaheim,
CA (North American Baptist Association)
- Altadena Baptist Church, Altadena,
CA (Baptist General Conference)
- Lake
Avenue Congregational Church, Pasadena, CA (Conservative Congregational Christian
Conference, CCCC);
- Trinity
United Presbyterian Church, Santa Ana, CA (Presbyterian Church in the USA);
- Templo Biblico
(Costa Rican
Bible Church Association,
AIBC), San Jose, Costa Rica.
- Iglesia Biblica
Nazaret (Costa Rican Bible
Church Association, AIBC), San
Francisco de Dos Rios, Costa Rica.
- Primera Iglesia Bautista de Desamparados (Independent), San
Jose, Costa Rica.
- Iglesia "El Camino de Emaus"
(Independent) San Jose, Costa
- 1956-1960,
Served in the U.S. Air Force as an enlisted man; received basic
training in at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, TX
(January 1957); graduated from Electronics School at Scott Air Force Base in Belleville,
IL (February-June 1957); worked as an Electronics Technician (July 1957 to October
1960) in ground-to-air communications systems at Blaine Air Force Station in Blaine, WA,
and at San Clemente Island Air Force Station, San Clemente Island, CA; received Honorable Discharge as Airman First Class from U.S. Air Force
at Oxnard Air Force Base in October 1960.
- 1960-1961,
Electronics Test Equipment Repairman at the Autonetics
Division of North American Aviation in Downey, CA.
- 1962-1964,
worked as an Electronics Technician during summers while attending Moody Bible
Institute in Chicago; employed by Motorola Military Electronics and Zenith Television;
also worked part-time as a Bindery Clerk at the Federal Reserve Bank in Chicago
- 1964-1965,
Director of Christian Education & Youth at Bethel
Baptist Church, Anaheim, CA
(North American Baptist Association)
- 1966, Director of Christian Education & Youth at Sunkist Baptist Church,
Anaheim, CA (North American Baptist Association)
- 1967-1968,
Electronics Technician at Hughes
Ground Systems in Fullerton, CA.
- 1969, Associate Pastor at Altadena Baptist Church,
Altadena, CA (Baptist General Conference)
- 1970,
Electronics Technician at Resdel Engineering in Pasadena & Arcadia, CA.
- 1971-1972,
Associate Minister of Pastoral Visitation,
Lake Avenue Congregational Church, Pasadena, CA (Conservative Congregational Christian
Conference, CCCC)
- 1972-1989,
Missionary Affiliate with the Latin America Mission of Coral Gables, Florida
(interdenominational mission agency, member of IFMA); resided in San Jose, Costa Rica.
- 1972-1982,
served as a staff member of the International
Institute for In-Depth Evangelization (INDEPTH) and worked in the
following positions: Director of In-Depth Publications and Editor of the quarterly
WORLD (1973-1975); Secretary of Financial Administration and
Publications (1975); Secretary of Public Relations & Financial Development, and
INDEPTH advisor for Nicaragua (1976-1977); Director of PROCADES (Central America Socio-Religious
Studies Program) and INDEPTH advisor for the Republic of Panama (1978-1980); Director of
the Department of Strategy & Research; and Founder and Coordinator of the Latin
America Socio-Religious Studies Program (PROLADES),
- 1983-1989:
service contract
with the Missiological
Institute of the Americas (IMDELA) in San Jose, Costa Rica, as Executive
Director; and with In-Depth Evangelism Associates
(IDEA) in Orange, CA, as President & Chairman of Board of Directors
(IDEA Ministries was the support arm of IMDELA).
- 1988-1995:
Chairman of the Latin American Church Growth Task
Force (LACGTF), a network of researchers/missiologists
who monitored the growth of the Protestant Movement in Latin American/Caribbean and
tracked the development of new religious movements; also served as a Lausanne Research
Associate for Latin America with the Strategy & Research Track, and attended the
II Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization in Manila, Phillipines,
in 1988, and assisted with workshops on Strategy & Research.
WORK EXPERIENCE: 1990 to the present
- Non-formal
Education (1974-1989). Taught over 60
seminars and workshops in ten countries of Latin America and among Hispanics in the USA.
- Formal
Education (1975-2006). Taught more
than 80 courses at the university or post-graduate levels for academic credit at the Latin
American Biblical Seminary (3) in San Jose, Costa Rica; Fuller Theological Seminary (2) in
Pasadena, CA; the Internationall Urban Institute-Los Angeles
Field Site (1) for Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona; the Venezuelan Baptist
Seminary (1), Caracas, Venezuela; the School of World Mission-IMDELA (+25) and the
Evangelical University of the Americas (+50) in San Jose, Costa Rica; and the UNELA
Extension Program in Urban Studies in Quito, Ecuador (1) .
- 1971, presented
two papers at the International Consultation on In-Depth Evangelism in Alajuela, Costa
Rica: "The Religious Dimension In Hispanic Los Angeles: A Protestant Case
Study" and "Church Growth and Evangelism-in-Depth."
- 1974, The Religious Dimension in Hispanic Los Angeles: A Protestant
Case Study (Pasadena, CA: Wm. Carey Library)
- 1975,
"A Profile of Evangelical Churches in Costa Rica," in In-Depth Evangelism Around The World, Vol. 2, No. 4 (January-March 1975).
- 1975,
"Anglo Hispanic Protestant Tensions in Southern California," in Missiology, An International Review,
Vol. III, No. 3 (July 1975).
- 1977-1986,
produced a series of National Protestant Church
Directories for Costa Rica (1978, 1982, 1986), Nicaragua (1979), Panama
(1979), Guatemala (1980), El Salvador (1981), Honduras (1981, 1985) and Belize (1981);
served as chief technical advisor for these projects.
- 1979, "!Crecen las Iglesias
Evangelicas en Centro America!" in Ministerios en
Comunidad (San Jose, Costa Rica: CLAME, October 1979).
- 1980,
"Discovering the Facts, Planning New Strategies," in the Latin American Evangelist ,
September-October, 1980 (Miami, FL: Latin America Mission).
- 1981, World Christianity: Central America and the Caribbean
(a series of Status of Christianity Country Profiles), edited by Clifton L. Holland
(MARC-World Vision)
- 1982, "A History of the Protestant Movement in Central
America," unpublished Doctor of Missiology
Dissertation (Fuller Theological Seminary, School of World Mission)
- 1982,
"Oh, God, Please Let Us Do It Again!" in the Latin American Evangelist ,
September- October, 1982 (Miami, FL: Latin America Mission).
- 1983, "Hacia
una Historia del Movimiento Protestante en America Central," unpublished ms. based on doctoral dissertation.
- 1986,
general editor of A Directory of Hispanic
Protestant Churches in Southern California (AHET-ILAS-IDEA).
- 1986-1995,
produced an Urban Church Growth Studies
series on the Mexico City Metro Area (MCMA, 5 volumes) as a joint venture between
PROLADES and VELA; served as chief technical advisor for the project; created the National
Evangelical Center for Research and Information (CENII,
1994), located at the VELA offices in Colonia Lindavista in
Mexico City; designed and supervised the creation of a computer database of 1,200
Evangelical churches in MCMA; designed and supervised the creation of a computer database
of more than 10,000 Evangelical churches at the national level (this database continues to
grow as more information is added by VELA).
- 1989, "Los Pueblos Menos
Evangelizados en America Central," a working document produced by PROLADES for students of
- 1989, a contributor
to the Diccionario de Historia de la Iglesia,
Wilton M. Nelson, general editor (Miami, FL: Editorial
Caribe, 1989).
- 1990, "Toward a Classification System of the Protestant Movement
in Latin America and the Caribbean" (IDEA/ PROLADES: English and
Spanish editions; updated 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010).
- 1990, "A
Study of Unreached People Groups in Mexico," a working document produced for the
U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena, CA.
- 1991-1992,
served as Executive Director of the Steering Committee for an Urban Conference in Los
Angeles: "Celebrate Christ's Presence in the
City of the Angels!" (held in April 1992 at Emmanuel Presbyterian Church)
- 1992, "A
Study of Unreached People Groups in the Greater Los Angeles Metro Area," a
working document for the U.S. Center for World Mission in Pasadena,
CA. (updated
in 1993).
- 1992-1993,
Director of the Resource Center
for Urban Ministry for the Greater Los Angeles Metro Area (GLAMA), located
on the campus of the William Carey International University, Pasadena, CA; sponsored by
IDEA Ministries.
- 1993,
produced the ICDS User's Manual
(366 pages) for IDEA Church Directory
Software (Orange, CA: IDEA Ministries); producer of IDEA Church Directory Software (ICDS) with
technical assistance from Alan Young & Associates.
- 1993, wrote "Una Historia de los Primeros 120 Anos de la Iglesia Evangelica Hispana del Sur de California," chapter 1 of Hacia Una Historia de la Iglesia Evangelica
Hispana de California del Sur (Montebello,
CA: AHET, 1993); member of AHET's History Committee
and producer of
the book.
- 1993,
general editor of A Directory of Hispanic
Protestant Churches in Southern California (IDEA Ministries); created
a computer database of 1,500 Hispanic Protestant churches in Southern California for the
Hispanic Association for Theological Education (AHET).
- 1993-1996,
Director of the IDEA-GLAMA Resource Center for Urban Ministry,
Orange, CA
- 1993-1996,
Producer/Compiler of A Resource Directory on
Ethnic and Religious Diversity in GLAMA: Regions I-VII (7 volumes, one
for each region) and Los Angeles County
(two volumes) (Orange, CA: IDEA); created a computer database of 12,500 religious groups
for the Los Angeles 5-County Region; classified these religious groups based on Dr. J.
Gordon Melton's Encyclopedia of American Religions;
created a series of over 100 computer-generated color maps
using AtlasGIS for the GLAMA database project;
installed the IDEA Church Directory Software (ICDS), the GLAMA Database of
Religious Groups, and the AtlasGIS mapping programs
on the computers of about 30 organizations in the Los Angeles area as part of the
IDEA-GLAMA Research Network (see for
further information).
- 1993-1994,
produced A National Directory of Hispanic
Protestant Churches and Ministries in the USA (Pasadena, CA:
IDEA-PROLADES-HABBM); created a computer database of 6,500 Hispanic Protestant churches in
the USA for HABBM (Hispanic Association for Bilingual-Bicultural Ministries; served as a
founding member of the Board of Directors of HABBM with headquarters at Templo Calvario (pastor Danny de Leon)
in Santa Ana, CA.
- 1994-1995,
produced a series of PNRF (Permanent National Research Function) working documents
for PNRF projects in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Colombia.
- 1995,
"Religion in Central America, Part I," in MESOAMERICA,
Vol. 14, No. 2 (February).
- 1995 to
December 2007, Editorial
Director of the monthly news journal MESOAMERICA,
published by the Institute for Central American Studies (ICAS) in San Jose, Costa Rica:
- 1996,
"Religion in Central America, Part II," in MESOAMERICA,
Vol. 15, No. 2 (February).
- 1996,
creator and developer of the IDEA Ministries website at:
- 1996 to
present, began the
creation of a computer database of all known religious groups in Latin America and the Caribbean,
which is now known as RITA: Religion-In-The-Americas: see
- 1997,
compiled A Resource Directory on Spiritual
Mapping for GLAMA (about 1,000 pages) for the California Prayer
Evangelism Network (CPEN).
- 1997 to
present, translator
(Spanish to English) of a series of publications for the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) (for
example: Doing Business With Healthcare
Cooperatives in the Americas, ICA, 1997, 124 pages) in San Jose, Costa
Rica, International Health Programs (IHP) in Santa Cruz, California; the Global
Water Partnership (GWP), and other organizations.
- 1998,
produced a series of eight research reports on the
Protestant Movement in Costa Rica (average of 15 pages each) for the
independent Center for Socio-Religious Research (CISRE)
and the Evangelical Alliance of Costa Rica (EACR).
- 1999,
compiled a research report on the Province of Cartago
(90 pages) for CISRE and EACR.
- 1999,
creator and developer of the Institute for Central American Studies (ICAS) website
- 1999,
served as technical advisor for an update of the Mexico City Directory of Protestant Churches,
produced by VELA Ministries in Mexico City.
- 2000,
creator and developer of a computer database on all religious groups known to exist in 50
countries of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal (Religion
In The Americas Database, or RITA):
- 2001,
founding president of the Administrative Council of the Institute for Socio-Religious
Research (IDES), affiliated with the Evangelical University of the Americas (UNELA) in
San Jose, Costa Rica (IDES replaced CISRE):
- 2001-2002, a regional editor and
contributor (14 articles) to Religions of the World: A
Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, 4
volumes, Drs. J. Gordon Melton and Martin Baumann, general editors (Santa Barbara, CA:
ABC-Clio, 2002).
- 2002-2003, a contributor (seven
articles) to the Wordmark Encyclopedia
of Religious Practices to be published
by the Gale Group of Detroit, Michigan, in 2004.
- 2003,
produced a Manual of Policies, Standards and Proceedures
for the Evaluation of Christian Schools in Latin America (70 pages in Spanish) in
partnership with Worldwide Christian Schools of Grand Rapids, MI.
- 2003,
produced a document on Chronologies of the Protestant Movement in the Americas: see
- 2003,
produced a +300 page document and CD on A Study of New Religious Movements in Costa
Rica, 2003 (35 profiles in Spanish): see
- 2003-
2004, began the
production of an Encyclopedia of Religious Groups in the
Americas and the Iberian Peninsula (in English and Spanish); for an overview of this
project, see:
- 2005, produced
a professional research document on "Ethnic and Religious Diversity in
Central America: An Historical Perspective,"
which was presented in a focus group on Latin America at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of
Religion (SSSR) in Rochester, NY, in November.
- 2005 to
present: continual
updating and editing of articles and databases for RITA-PROLADES websites.
- 2007 to
date: began the
process of updating and adding computer graphics to the English and Spanish editions of A History of the Protestant Movement in Central America,
1750-1980; also, began to do research and writing for A History of the Pentecostal Movement in Central America,
1900-2008, and "A History of the Charismatic Movement in Costa
Rica" (2008-2010).
- 2008-2010, a regional editor and
contributor (35 articles) to the second edition of Religions of the World:
A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, 6
volumes, Drs. J. Gordon Melton and Martin Baumann, general editors (Santa Barbara,
CA: ABC-Clio, 2010).
- 2010-2012,
researcher, compiler, editor and producer of "An Online Handbook of Hispanic
Protestant Denominations, Institutions and Ministries in the USA," currently in
production; see the following website for details:
- 2010-2012,
compiler of "Historical Profiles of Protestant Denominations with Hispanic Ministry
in the USA," (PDF edition, 588 pages); available at:
- 2010-2012, compiler of
"Encyclopedia of Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean" (currently in
production, two editions, English and Spanish; about 1,400 pages in four volumes for each
edition); outline available at:
- 2011-2012, compiler of "A
General History of the Protestant Movement in Latin America" (currently in
production, two editions, English and Spanish; about 438 pages for each edition).
- 2011-2012,
chief researcher, compiler, editor and producer of "An Online Handbook of
Hispanic Protestant Denominations, Institutions and Ministries in Puerto Rico,"
currently in production; ,"
currently in production; see the following website for details at:
- 2011-2012,
chief researcher, compiler, editor and producer of "An Online Handbook of
Hispanic Protestant Denominations, Institutions and Ministries in the Dominion of
Canada," currently in production; see the following website for details at:
- Conducted
on-site church and mission-related research projects in the following regions and
countries between 1968-1998:
NORTH AMERICA: Hispanics in the USA
(Los Angeles, Southern California, Chicago and Miami) and Mexico (Mexico City and Baja
CENTRAL AMERICA: Costa Rica, Panama,
Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Belize.
CARIBBEAN: Jamaica, Dominican Republic,
Haiti and Puerto Rico.
SOUTH AMERICA: Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru and Argentina.
OTHER COUNTRIES: Great Britain, The Netherlands and the Philippines.
- Since
1998 research activities have been concentrated on the study of all known
religious groups in 50 countries of the Americas for the RITA Database Project:
Most of the research has been conducted via the Internet and e-mail, as well as during
occasional travels to other countries (Mexico in 1999, Nicaragua in 2000 and 2003, and
Ecuador and Colombia in 2001). However, additional fieldwork also has been done in
Costa Rica.
COSTA RICA, 2000-2001:
supervised the fieldwork of two researchers who interviewed leaders of all Protestant
denominations (232 church associations) as part of an update on the National Study
of Protestant Church Growth in Costa Rica; designed and supervised the creation of
a computer database of 2,700 Protestant congregations at the national level; created
a series of computer-generated color maps for the national study; produced a CD with
the results of the national study, including databases (denominational headquarters,
the geographical distribution of churches throughout the country, service agencies,
etc.), reports, maps, tables and other graphics (May-December 2001). See documents
in Spanish at:!primero.htm
COSTA RICA, 2001-2003:
supervised the fieldwork of 12 researchers (students in the schools of Sociology,
Anthropology, Psychology and Communications of the University of Costa Rica), who
interviewed leaders of 37 religious groups (both Christian and non-Christian groups)
during 2001-2003, as part of A Study of New Religious Movements (NRMs) in Costa Rica,
sponsored by PROLADES; the researchers produced a series of 35 Profiles of NRMs in
Spanish, which were edited and placed on the PROLADES Internet website at:
2010-2012: project
designer, manager, chief researcher, compiler, editor and producer of databases of
Hispanic Protestant denominations and local churches in the USA, Puerto Rico and Canada
using published sources and Internet resources:
2011-2015: project
designer and manager of the PROLADES Historiography Program on the Protestant Movement in
Central America in coordination with national church history commissions and academic
programs in each country of the region; see the following website for details:
2011-2015: project
designer and manager of the PROLADES Study of Protestant Megachurches in Central America
in coordination with colleagues and academic programs in each country of the region; see
the following website for details:
2011-2015: project
designer and manager of the PROLADES Study of New Religious Movements
(NRMs) in
Central America in coordination with with colleagues and academic programs in each
country of the region; see the following website for details:
- Member of
the General Council of the International Institute of
In-Depth Evangelization (IINDEF) in San
Jose, Costa Rica; former staff member of IINDEF from 1972-1983.
- Member of
the Association of Professors of Mission, APM
(founding member); and a member of the Evangelical Missiological Society, EMS.
- Research
Associate for Latin America with the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism (1980-1995)
- Member of AHET (Hispanic Association for Theological Education),
Montebello, CA (1985-1997); also served as a member of AHET's
History Committee (1990-1997).
- Member of
the Board of Directors of HABBM (Hispanic Association for
Bilingual-Bicultural Ministries), Santa Ana, CA (1985-1992)
- Member of
the Academy for the Study of the Hispanic Church in
America (APHILA), active in 1993-1994.
- Member of
the Association of Hispanic Theological Educators (AETH),
1993-1995 (APHILA and AETH have now merged into one organization).
- Member of
the National Hispanic Ministerial Association (AMEN)
in the USA (1994-1997).
- Former
board member of the Center for Socio-Religious Research (CISRE) in San Jose, Costa
Rica; affiliated with the Evangelical Alliance of Costa Rica, 1997-2001; current board
member of the Institute of Socio-Religious Studies (IDES) that replaced CISRE in
2001, affiliated with the Evangelical University of the Americas (UNELA).
- Member of
the Board of Directors of the Evangelical University of the Americas (UNELA), 1998 to
2006; served as President or Vice-President of the Board of Directors between 2000-2006;
retired from teaching at UNELA and from all board responsibilities in May 2006.
- Received
an Honorary Doctorate in the Science of Religion (November
30, 2001) from UNELA in recognition of nearly 30
years of ministry in Costa Rica as a missionary and co-founder of IMDELA, as well as for
assisting in the development of UNELA.
- Member of
the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR)
in 2005-2006; attended the Annual Meeting in Rochester,
NY, in November of 2005.
- Member of
the International Editorial Board (includes 20
international scholars), beginning in 2008, for the second edition of ABC-Clio's Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, 6 volumes (ABC-Clio, a major publisher of reference books, is
located in Santa Barbara, California); Dr. J. Gordon Melton of the Institute for the Study
of American Religion (ISAR) is the General Editor; scheduled for publication in August
L. Holland
1524-2050, San Pedro, Costa Rica
Telephones: (506) 2283-8300; Fax (506) 2234-7682
For further
information, send e-mail to:
(Last revised on 14 January 2012)