CESNUR - center for studies on new religions


"The Future of Religion and the Future of New Religions", by Massimo Introvigne - A paper presented at The Engelberg Seminar 2001, June 16, 2001

"The Church and the Gurus", by Silja Joneleit-Oesch (University of Heidelberg, Germany)- A paper presented at The 2001 International Conference in London.

"Religious Organisations in a Global World. A Comparative Perspective", by Margit Warburg (University of Copenhagen) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

"Healthy Religion", by Dr George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury - Opening Plenary Lecture at The 2001 Conference, London School of Economics, April 19, 2001

"New Religious Phenomena and the Catholic Church in the Postcommunist Countries", by István Kamarás (University of Veszprém, Hungary) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

"Watching for Violence: A Comparative Analysis of the Roles of Five Types of Cult-Watching Groups" by Eileen Barker (London School of Economics) - A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

"Factors influencing social perception of new religious movements" by Tadeusz Doktór (Warsaw University) – A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

"Unrecognized charisma? A study and comparison of four charismatic leaders: Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Smith, L Ron Hubbard, Swami Prabhupada" by George D. Chrysides (University of Wolverhampton). A paper presented at The 2001 Conference in London

"Perché in Francia? Un commento a 'La religione in briciole o la questione delle sette' di Daničle Hervieu-Léger", di Massimo Introvigne

Rational Choice Sociology of Religion on the New York Times (March 24, 2001)

"Il fantasma della libertŕ. Le controversie sulle «sette» e i nuovi movimenti religiosi in Europa" di Massimo Introvigne - Testo della lezione tenuta il 14-1-1997 all’Universitŕ di Torino per la chiusura del corso semestrale di Sociologia delle Religioni della facoltŕ di Scienze Politiche

"Les courants magiques traditionnels et les nouveaux mouvements religieux" par Massimo Introvigne (communication ŕ l’8e Colloque international de l’Institut de Droit et d’Histoire Canoniques, Université d’Aix-Marseille III, Aix-en-Provence, 15 avril 1994)

God, New Religious Movements and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Massimo Introvigne’s Templeton Lecture in Harvard

Anti-Cult Terrorism via the Internet Revisited: A Short Review of "Religion on the Internet: Research Prospects and Promises", edited by Jeffrey K. Hadden and Douglas E. Cowan - by PierLuigi Zoccatelli

State Department Releases Annual Human Rights Report, Accuses France of "intolerance and bias against minority religions" (February 26, 2001). See full text of the report - see section on France

In Memoriam Karen S. Lord 1967-2001, by T. Jeremy Gunn

"Presto sugli scaffali enciclopedia delle religioni in Italia (ElleDiCi)", (SIR, 24 gennaio 2001)

Introvigne Announces Publication of the New "Encyclopedia of Religions in Italy" - Interview with "La Stampa" of January 3, 2001 - Massimo Introvigne annuncia la pubblicazione della "Enciclopedia delle religioni in Italia": intervista a "La Stampa" del 3 gennaio 2001

Books: New, Recently Reprinted and Noteworthy from the Exhibition Booths at the AAR 2000 Annual Meeting

Barker wins Marty Award for Contributions to the Public Understanding of Religion
Fall 2000 AAR RSN, pg 9

Defining the New Spirituality - by George D. Chryssides (University of Wolverhampton) - A paper presented at CESNUR 14th International Conference, Riga, Latvia, August 29-31, 2000

Sacred stories in religious biographies - by Lea Altnurme (University of Tartu, Estonia) - A paper presented at CESNUR 2000 international conference in Riga, Latvia, August 29-31 2000

'The Jesus of the Cults': How the Esoteric Christ Became the Christ of Scholars - by Philip Jenkins (Distinguished Professor of History and Religious Studies, Pennsylvania State University). A paper presented at CESNUR 2000 international conference, Riga, Latvia, August 29-31, 2000
Traduction française

J. Gordon Melton's Interview on New Religions with "Speak Magazine" (by John Mardas - No. 2, Summer 2000)

"Religion - Staat - Gesellschaft": New Journal on Beliefs and Worldviews Published in Germany - Premiere Issue Includes Articles on Religious Liberty in Europe, Israel, Falun Gong, Jehovah's Witnesses

Academic Journal "Social Justice Research" Publishes Special Issues on Justice and New Religious Movements

CESNUR Book Collection Launched in the U.S.: Review in the 'Deseret News', August 19, 2000

Associated Press on Jeff Hadden, Massimo Introvigne,Web Sites and New Religious Movements (June 22, 2000)

Cult War Dialogue: "Combatants in Cult War Attempt Reconciliation Peacemaking conference is held near Seattle"
by Don Lattin ("The San Francisco Chronicle", Monday, May 1, 2000)

World Christian Encyclopedia (Barrett)

Dr Eileen Barker honored in UK- January 13, 2000

Quel nuovo bisogno di sacro - di Massimo Introvigne, da "Il Sole 24 Ore" del 22 dicembre 1999

Important Christmas Article in The New York Times Salutes "New Religious Movements" as a New Academic Field (see text: "Alternative Religions as a Growth Industry", by Gustav Niebuhr, December 25, 1999)

Massimo Introvigne - Bibliografia

A Cultural Event: Proceedings of the LISOR Project on the Definition of Religion Published - by PierLuigi Zoccatelli

"Fedeli senza appartenenza" - di Massimo Introvigne ("Il Sole - 24 ore", 10 ottobre 1999)

New Religious Movements in Latvia in the Mirror of the Press - by Nikandrs Gills (University of Latvia)

La Congregazione per l'Educazione Cattolica pubblica un fascicolo del suo organo "Seminarium" su Il cristianesimo e le religioni - testo dell'articolo di Massimo Introvigne "L'esplosione delle nuove religioni"

Collana "Religioni e Movimenti" - Monografie su correnti e gruppi a cura del CESNUR (Edizioni Elle Di Ci)

Syncretism and religious market - by Pino Lucŕ Trombetta, University of Bologna (A paper presented at CESNUR 99 conference, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania)

The Rise of the Study of New Religions, by J. Gordon Melton. A paper presented at CESNUR 99 conference in Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania

New Religions in Latvia in 1997/1998 - A paper presented at CESNUR 98, Turin, by Dr Solveiga Krumina-Konkova, Director of the Academic Centre for the Study of Religions, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, University of Latvia

L'attivitŕ missionaria nelle Valli Valdesi dei gruppi americani "non tradizionali" (Mormoni, Avventisti, Testimoni di Geova), di Michael W. Homer - Relazione presentata al XXXVIII Convegno di Studi sulla Riforma e sui movimenti religiosi in Italia organizzato dalla Societŕ di Studi Valdesi e dal Centro Culturale Valdese - Torre Pellice, 30 agosto - 1 settembre 1998

Luigi Berzano - Massimo Introvigne,Il gigante invisibile. Nuove credenze e minoranze religiose nella provincia di Foggia. Con contributi di Anna Iuso, Giacomo Elena e Pier Marco Ferraresi , N.E.D., Foggia 1997 (presentazione del libro)

"Children in New Religions": Seminal New Book Discusses the Precarious Balance between Freedom of Religion and the Best Interest of the Child

CESNUR reproduces or quotes documents from the media and different sources on a number of religious issues. Unless otherwise indicated, the opinions expressed are those of the document's author(s), not of CESNUR or its directors

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